Oxygen Advanced

Oxygen Advanced handler om at kunne yde mere ved at bruge mindre. Således at når man indånder luft bliver det leveret hurtigere til musklerne. Vejtrækning er en essentiel del af vores overlevelse, men hvis du lærer at trække vejret rigtigt kan du komme i endnu bedre form og blive sundere end nogensinde før.

Læs mere om oxygen advanced

Vejtrækning er en essentiel del af vores overlevelse, men hvis du lærer at trække vejret rigtigt kan du komme i endnu bedre form og blive sundere end nogensinde før.

Gennem Oxygen Advantage lærer du at:

  • Øge din træningsintensitet, mens du bruger mindre energi og trækker vejret lettere og mere ubesværet.
  • Simulere højdetræning hvorved du forbedrer din aerobe og anaerobe kapacitet.
  • Forbedre dit energiniveau, koncentration og mentale fokus.
  • Blive fittere og stærkere.

På blot en uge vil du kunne høste frugten af en træning som svarer til 5000 højdemeter!

Reference: Angela Navarrete-Opazo and Gordon S. Mitchell, (2014) Therapeutic potential of  intermittent hypoxia: a matter of doseAm J Physio Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 307: R1181- R1197, doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00208.2014. 

Key Points  

  • Intermittent hypoxia (IH) has many therapeutic benefits; however, the benefits are dose  dependent, and adverse side effects are observed from chronic hypoxia • The therapeutic range of IH is between 9-16% inspired O2, which roughly corresponds to  blood oxygen saturations of 82-95% (altitudes of ~1500-5000 m) 
  • 3-15 episodes per day of IH in the above range elicits therapeutic benefits without harmful  side effects 


For practical application the key message from this paper is that IH is therapeutic when blood  oxygen saturation is between 82-95% (as can be achieved with Oxygen Advantage simulated  altitude training techniques) and 3-15 cycles are performed per day. 

The therapeutic benefits they found were: 

  • Improved athletic performance 
  • Increased nitric oxide and reduced sympathetic nervous system activity, both of which lower  blood pressure 
  • Increased innate immune system response 
  • Increased overall anti-inflammatory response 
  • Decreased blood sugar and increased insulin sensitivity 
  • Decreased symptoms of depression 
  • Increased memory 
  • Increased bone density 


In the absence of any serious health conditions, anyone can learn to achieve IH in the safe 

Reference: Lizamore CA, Hamlin MJ. The Use of Simulated Altitude Techniques for  Beneficial Cardiovascular Health Outcomes in Nonathletic, Sedentary, and Clinical  Populations: A Literature Review. High Alt Med Biol. 2017;18(4):305-321. 

Key Points  

  • Intermittent hypoxia (IH) improves cardiovascular-autonomic nervous system function and  exercise tolerance 
  • Ways to achieve IH and still receive benefits include prolonged hypoxic exposure, intermittent  hypoxic exposure, and intermittent hypoxic training 
  • IH is beneficial in both sedentary and clinical populations 


Most literature on simulated altitude involves athletic and even elite/extreme populations. This  paper looked at a more sedentary and even clinical population. From 26 studies they identified  3 methods of achieving intermittent hypoxia: Prolonged hypoxic exposure (PHE) such as living  at altitude; Intermittent hypoxic exposure (IHE) or 5-10 minute intervals of hypoxic exposure;  and Intermittent hypoxic training (IHT) or exercising in hypoxia. IHE and IHT are achievable  using breath hold training. The authors found the following benefits: 


  • Reduced systemic stress 
  • Reduced blood pressure 
  • Improved heart rate variability 
  • Improved autonomic nervous system balance 
  • Greater exercise tolerance, longer time to exhaustion while exercising 


  • Increased aerobic capacity 
  • Increased fat burning 
  • Increased mitochondrial density 
  • Improved autonomic balance 


Oxygen Advantage based walking breath holds as part of the Breathexchange training program  can be used to combine IHE and IHT. This is a light, well tolerated form of training that can be  applied to sedentary, non-athletic and even clinical populations to improve cardiovascular and  autonomic nervous system function and increase exercise capacity.

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